Envision Tomorrow Users
Envision Tomorrow is currently being used by planning departments, regional governments, and universities across the country for research, planning and implementation projects. As a free and open-source tool, there is no restriction on where and how ET is used. If you are currently using ET in your town, university, or region, we would love to hear about it! Current users of ET inlclude:
- Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC)
- Metropolitan Area Planning Association (MAPA)
- City of Austin, Texas
- City of San Antonio, Texas
- City of Portland, Oregon
- City of Albuquerque, New Mexico
- Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)
- Mid America Regional Council (MARC)
- Cornell University
- University of Texas, Austin
- City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- Cape Cod Commission
- VIA Metropolitan Transit
- Metro Portland
Current Research Partners
Fregonese Associates Inc.
Fregonese Associates is a full-service Oregon based land-use planning firm with a strong track record of helping make better cities and regions. Fregonese Associates has been the primary developer of Envision Tomorrow over the last 10 years, and continues to be a national expert on the use and innovation of Envision Tomorrow. Fregonese Associates made Envision Tomorrow free and open source as part several recent collaborative HUD Sustainable Communities grant funded projects around the country.
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Together with researchers from the University of Texas at Austin and Cornell, the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy is funding the development of tools and modules for Envision Tomorrow. Currently, Fregonese Associates is collaborating with housing researchers to develop a housing preservation index for Austin and San Antonio, Texas.
Urban Design 4 Health (UD4H) is collaborating with Envision Tomorrow developers to integrate their Health Assessment Model into the Envision Tomorrow suite of planning tools. UD4H is a research and consulting firm that specializes in applied research on the interactions between land use, transportation, air quality, climate change, and public health. This project is made possible by funding from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Wasatch Choice 2040 - Salt Lake City Region
A consortium of several regional partners, including both MPOs, the counties and cities, as well as the non-profit Envision Utah and the University of Utah came together with the purpose of implementing the regional vision and developing planning tools based on the latest academic research to facilitate that process.

Sustainable Places Project - Austin Region
The Capital Area Texas Sustainability (CATS) Consortium, through a grant from HUD and a regional partnership of local governments and other stakeholder groups, is developing growth scenarios for activity centers in Austin, Dripping Springs, Elgin, Hutto, and Lockhart. Envision Tomorrow Plus is being developed to identify the long-term effects of the various scenarios on municipal budgets and the health of communities. The analysis will be used to develop plans that align housing, jobs, and transportation options in a way that complements existing community values.

Creating Sustainable Places - Kansas City Region
Partners in the greater Kansas City region joined together to create vibrant activity centers throughout the region and along strategic transportation corridors offering multiple travel options, reinvestment in existing communities, and conservation of natural systems. The project utilized Envision Tomorrow Plus to examine the impact different development patterns along six regional corridors.